Archive: Folder list into an array

Folder list into an array
I'm looking to find a list of folders and insert each folder into an array. Has anyone done something similar?

Ultimately, I want to populate a dropbox with the array contents and use the selection to kick off an installer in that folder.

So, if I have folders,,, and, I would need array index 0 to hold, array index 1 to hold, etc.

Thank you!

Are you aware that NSIS has no native support for arrays ? (except )

What system do you want to use to display & populate the dropbox ?

Originally posted by Wizou
Are you aware that NSIS has no native support for arrays ? (except )

What system do you want to use to display & populate the dropbox ?
Yes, I'm aware of Afrow UK's work. It's great.

I'm thinking of writing the array to the ListItems property of the combobox defined in an INI.

check the help file on FindFirst to enumerate the files or folder, you can fill your array like this

then you can use ${myArray->Concat} with separator char '|', as expected by ListItems

Originally posted by Wizou
check the help file on FindFirst to enumerate the files or folder, you can fill your array like this

then you can use ${myArray->Concat} with separator char '|', as expected by ListItems
Do you think that would be easier than writing the list of folders to a text file and doing reads on it?

Okay, I've put together this little function to get a list of the directories into an array. Unfortunately, my array contains the typical . and .. present when you do a dir command in DOS.

Any ideas how to exclude . and ..?

Function CreateDirList


Var /global ArrayIndex

StrCpy $ArrayIndex 0

FindFirst $0 $1 $DRIVE_LETTER:\*.*
StrCmp $1 "" done
${dirList->Write} $ArrayIndex "$1"
FindNext $0 $1
IntOp $ArrayIndex $ArrayIndex + 1
Goto loop
FindClose $0

StrCmp $1 "." skip
StrCmp $1 ".." skip
${dirList->Write} $ArrayIndex "$1"
FindNext $0 $1

Originally posted by Wizou

StrCmp $1 "." skip
StrCmp $1 ".." skip
${dirList->Write} $ArrayIndex "$1"
FindNext $0 $1
Hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks, Wizou.

Here's my code, if anyone else finds it useful.

Function CreateDirList


Var /global ArrayIndex

StrCpy $ArrayIndex 0

FindFirst $0 $1 $DRIVE_LETTER:\*.*
StrCmp $1 "" done
StrCmp $1 "." skip
StrCmp $1 ".." skip
IfFileExists "$DRIVE_LETTER:\$1\*.*" IsDir skip
${dirList->Write} $ArrayIndex "$1"
IntOp $ArrayIndex $ArrayIndex + 1
FindNext $0 $1
Goto loop
${dirList->Reverse} ; -- Reverse the list so that the order is descending
${dirList->Concat} $PickVerList "|"
FindClose $0


you can also use GetFileAttributes to check that a file is really a folder

Originally posted by Wizou
you can also use GetFileAttributes to check that a file is really a folder
I tried, but my $R0 variable is always blank.

${GetFileAttributes} "$1" "ALL" $R0
MessageBox MB_OK "Directory: $1 :: Attribute: $R0"

That message box shows the folder name, but the attribute is always empty, except for '.' and '..'. Those show DIRECTORY attribute.

Mmmmh... try to use a fully qualified path like

${GetFileAttributes} "$DRIVE_LETTER:\$1" "DIRECTORY" $R0

some NSIS functions (and Windows API) requires fully qualified path rather than relative path or file name

I don't know GetFileAttributes, but I would expect the first parameter to be the output, not the input. That's how all NSIS functions are done, so that's how all macros should be coded as well.

${GetFileAttributes} is documented in the NSIS Users Manual:

The output is the last parameter, e.g.

${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "ALL" $R0