Archive: create NSIS installer with 7z or zip?

create NSIS installer with 7z or zip?
I want to create an installer for wiles with a total size of 4GB. I am a novice at working with NSIS.
There are 4 zip or 7z files in a folder with the setup(wich I try to create now). Each one is about 1GB big. The setup should unpack this archives to the installation folder (for example c:/programfiles/MyApp) the user choses when he runs the setup.

my code:

SetCompress force
SetCompressor lzma
Name "MyApp"
OutFile "MyApp.exe"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp"
Page directory
Page instfiles
Section "MyApp"


Where do I have to edit which command that MyApp.exe unpacks the 4 1GB files to the chosen install folder?

regards pizzaM4N

there's a plugin for nsis to extract 7-zip archives. search the forum!

I have searched the forum and I read about this plugin, but I am a noob in this.

File "ArchiveName.7z"
Nsis7z::Extract "ArchiveName.7z"
Delete "$OUTDIR/ArchiveName.7z"
GetFunctionAddress $R9 CallbackTest
Nsis7z::ExtractWithCallback "Test.7z" $R9

do I have to write this lines in certain line? If I have to do it, in which one?
Do I need this lines?
!addplugindir "..\Release"
!addplugindir "."
What means this?
Delete "$OUTDIR\Test.7z"
Because of the fact, that I know just some codes I would be very happy if someone can complete my posted installer for the 4 archives.:D

To learn NSIS, please start with the examples:
NSIS\Examples\example1.nsi and example2.nsi

Then use the command reference to look up what the commands you mentioned do: