Archive: NSIS and subversion

NSIS and subversion

I have a question, it's possible to active or to install the syntax highlighting in subversion?

How can I configure to have the version of commit in the first line of the file?

Thanks in adavnace for your help

What exactly does syntax highlighting in subversion have to do with NSIS?

For example on this page : you can configure the highlighting for pspad. It's very useful to see the code.

subversion is not an editor or a viewer... in what "view" related to subversion do you want syntax highlighting?

Yes, sorry, for websvn!

a few google search :

Thanks, I found Geshi, But I have some problems to configure it (for info, an oldest version were present). Someone can help me?

And for my second question, nobody can help me?

How can I configure to have the version of commit in the first line of the file?
You can use keyword substitution to do this.

The "Advanced Topics" section of the Subversion documentation has several pages about "Keyword Substitution", including lots of examples.

If you don't have the PDF version of the manual handy, here is an online version:

This is a NSIS forum...

About Geshi configuration, you should look for help on Geshi website/forums.
For your second question, you should look for help on SVN website/forums.

Sorry Wizou!