Archive: NSIS Install Script Wipes Out Desktop Icons

NSIS Install Script Wipes Out Desktop Icons
Please Help. I utilized one of the example scripts to develop a rather complex installer for a VB6 application. Unfortunately, it has the habit of wiping out all the users desktop shortcuts during the "install" phase on XP systems. Folders are not affected. The only scripting related to the createshortcuts commands are...

CreateShortCut "$SMPrograms\Sheriffs Applications\Storm.lnk" "$InstDir\bin\Storm.exe"
CreateShortCut "$SMPrograms\Sheriffs Applications\Uninstall Storm.lnk" "$InstDir\uninstall.exe"

These shortcuts are properly added to the start menu and work properly. They are also properly deleted during uninstall. I've gone through and remarked out most of the lines and reviewed each command without success.

Please, any ideas on what would cause this would be appreciated.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Not enough information..

Attached is the .nsi script.

I can't find any code line that might affect the desktop, so either it's not caused by the installer at all, or it's in one of the macros or external applications you execute.

Anyway, your line
IfFileExists "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" endAdobe beginAdobe
is so extremely wrong, I hardly know where to begin... First of all, this won't work on any non-English Windows version. Second, it won't work on any x64 system either. Third, some people WILL install Adobe to another directory than the default. Fourth, there exist other pdf readers than just Adobe.....

I could probably find many more reasons, but you get the idea. Forcing people to install Adobe is not only extremely arrogant, it will cause you to lose customers.