Archive: Why doesn't the finish window display

Why doesn't the finish window display
i use the following section as the last part of installation:

Section -InstallOtherSoftware
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\vcredistx86.exe" /Q'
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\install_flash.exe" /S'
;ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\vcredistx86不能运行安装我吧.exe"'

and on the finish window,i want to show a readme file.

But after ExecWait is done, the finish window does NOT display at all!
I've set AutoCloseWindow to false.

How can i solve this porblem?

Add a finish page to your installer?

Yes,i did using the following :

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

After i set AutoCloseWindow to true,the finish window diplayed.But there's another problem:
before i click the "Finish" button,the window closes itself after several seconds.

How can i set the finish window not to close automatically?

I never saw the finish page close automatically after a few seconds !?
Must be some external events... like maybe vcredistx86.exe forcing a reboot of the machine? (therefore closing all running programs)

i tried disabling vcredistx86.exe,but it still closed itself,only itself no other programs!

Thanks Wizou,i've found the reason.
It was because an ocx control after which was registered the finish window closed itself.
Like this:
RegDll "$INSTDIR\WebClient.ocx"
How can i avoid this?

Thanks for sharing the information.
It must be a specific bad behaviour from WebClient.ocx