Archive: WordReplace - replace only one occurrence

WordReplace - replace only one occurrence

I would like to replace the colons of a time string usinh 'h' for the first, 'm' for the second and 's' for the third colon.
If tryed using

${WordReplace} "$R1" ":" "h" "E+1" $R1

If the input is "10:20:30" the output is "10h2030".
My question is: How can I get 10h20m30s from the input?

Thanks :)


I think this should be it:

!macro _ReplaceFirstByteOccurance _outvar _input _orig _replace

Push $R0 ;max loopcounter
Push $R1 ;loopcounter
Push $R2
!define Lprefix L${__LINE__}
StrLen $R0 ${_input}
StrCpy $R1 0
StrCpy $R2 ${_input} 1 $R1
StrCmp $R2${_orig} 0 ${Lprefix}NoMatch
StrCpy $R2${_input} $R1
StrCpy $R2 $R2${_replace}
IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
StrCpy $R0${_input} "" $R1
StrCpy $R2 $R2$R0
IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
StrCmp $R1 $R0 0${Lprefix}loop
StrCpy $R2${_input} ;nothing found, return original string.
!undef Lprefix
Push $R2
Exch 3
pop $R0
pop $R2
pop $R1
>!define ReplaceFirstByteOccurance `!insertmacro _ReplaceFirstByteOccurance`

${ReplaceFirstByteOccurance} $1 $1 ":" "h"
>${ReplaceFirstByteOccurance} $1 $1 ":" "m"
>StrCpy $1 "$1s"
Learn to use StrCmp/StrCpy/StrLen etc. They're very helpful commands.

Edit2: Doh, can't use $R1 as parameter to a macro that uses $R1, obviously.

Thanks for your solution/hint! :)
I've got an idea now, how to implement my what I'm thinking about. ^^

Just because I'm curious:
So it's not possible using WordReplace for this!?
I understood its functionality for problems like this in first place... -.-


Oh, I'm sure it can be done with WordReplace or some other macro like it. But why use a bulky general-purpose script when a tiny little macro of your own will suffice?

WordReplace is good enough. I don't see how the code you've posted would result in the wrong output. This works fine for me.

StrCpy $R1 20:30:10
${WordReplace} "$R1" ":" "h" "E+1" $R1
DetailPrint $R1 # 20h30:10
${WordReplace} "$R1" ":" "m" "E+1" $R1
DetailPrint $R1 # 20h30m10