Archive: How to detect if system is 32bit or 64bit

How to detect if system is 32bit or 64bit
How to detect in NSIS in a simple way if system is 32bit or 64bit? Thanks for any hints.

Try searching next time...

!include x64.nsh

outfile test.exe

Section Test
${If} ${RunningX64}
MessageBox MB_OK "running on x64"
MessageBox MB_OK "running on x86"

You can try this too:

Pop $R1

${If} $R1 == "32"
MessageBox MB_OK "32 bits"
${ElseIf} $R1 == "64"
MessageBox MB_OK "64 bits"

Keep in mind that GetVersion::WindowsPlatformArchitecture requires the GetVersion plugin, which doesn't ship with NSIS.

Overall I'd say use x64.nsh (and WinVer.nsh for other windows version bits checking) before poking at the plugin.

Also, please stop reviving age-old threads...


System::Call "kernel32::GetCurrentProcess() i .s"
System::Call "kernel32::IsWow64Process(i s, *i .r0)"
StrCmp $0 "0" is32bit is64bit