Archive: Folder permissions

Folder permissions

I have problems installing software with NSIS on Windows Vista and Windows 7 with folder permissions.

When I install software on Windows XP everything is ok and users can use our software which can write to install folder.
On Windows Vista or Windows 7 this is not possible. After installation users cannot use our software because they get "cannot write to folder" error. They have to manually set permissions in security tab on installation folder.
Can this be done by NSIS installer? I also tried with AccessControl plugin but no success (does it work on Windows Vista or 7?). Any other option?


A program should not write to the program files folder, it should write to somewhere in the users profile; %appdata% or %localappdata%.

Giving everyone write access is a security hole, if you still want to do it, use the accesscontrol plugin from the wiki

A program is located in C:/ProgramFilesFolder/ProgramName/ so the ProgramName folder should be writable. I still wish to do it ... do you have any examples how to use AccessControl. I used examples shown on plugin page but without success.

Of course you want to do it, you don't care about your users security or "doing the right thing"(TM).

At least show us the command you tried so we can help you break the MS guidelines

Originally posted by DukeS
A program is located in C:/ProgramFilesFolder/ProgramName/ so the ProgramName folder should be writable. I still wish to do it ... do you have any examples how to use AccessControl. I used examples shown on plugin page but without success.
This is not recommended to give write access in Program Files for security reasons.

If you are the author of the program, you should review your code and follow MS guidelines and use other user folders to output files (like %AppData% and such)

If you are not the author of the program, you should suggest the user by default to install the program in a folder where program will have rights to write, for example under My Documents

Sorry wrong post... I don't find delete post where is it?...