Archive: NSIS 2.46 Compilation error

NSIS 2.46 Compilation error
As we have new NSIS, I tried to compile the sources.
When I start compilation I got errors...
(Note: Ont the same machine, NSIS 2.45 compiles without errors).

Here is a log:

Anybody can help, and tell me what should I fix in my VS config?
Here is last part of compilation log:


>Nazwa 'C:\\Program' nie jest rozpoznawana jako polecenie wewnętrzne lub zewnętrzne, program wykonywalny lub plik wsadowy. (what means: 'C:\\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file)
>os.chdir('C:\\\Program Files\\\NSIS246\\src')
>scons: *** ***91;buildreleaseDocschmNSIS.chm***93; Error 1
: building terminated because of errors.
Thanks for any help,

Build it from a directory without spaces and submit a bug report.

Originally posted by kichik
Build it from a directory without spaces and submit a bug report.
Thanks. Installing and compiling from for example C:\ works ok.
So there is a bug.
I will try to report it to NSIS bugtracker.