Archive: Problem copying file to $APPDATA

Problem copying file to $APPDATA
I'm trying to copy a file into the $APPDATA folder but it's not working.

I have the following:

SetShellVarContext all

CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\Configuration.xml" "$APPDATA\MyApp\Configuration\Configuration.xml"

The folder exists, as does the file so why doesn't it work?


You probably don't have write permissions in the directory. Try running as admin.

I am logged on to my machine as an administrator - I can copy files manually to this directory with no problem.

Is this what you meant or do I need to set something in the installer?


Hmm. First order of business would probably be to isolate the cause of the problem. Create a skeleton installer that only tries to copy the file:

Outfile "test.exe"
requestexecutionlevel admin
SetShellVarContext all
SetOutPath "$APPDATA\MyApp\Configuration"
CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\Configuration.xml" "$APPDATA\MyApp\Configuration\Configuration.xml"

If that works, the problem lies elsewhere in your installer. If if doesn't work... Well, I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. But at least you'll know it's caused by either the folder creation or file copying commands.

Many thanks for the reply - i've discovered the problem and as per usual it's my own stupid fault!

The application has a folder in the Program Files directory as well as $APPDATA - I copied and pasted the one from Program Files and it's ever so slightly different which caused the error

....\Provider\App2.0\AppAgent\ as opposed to
....\Provider\App2.0\App Agent\

it's a 3rd party app so I can't make them both the same but at least I know what the problem is now.

Thanks for all your help and sorry for wasting your time.
