Exec commands on 64 bit system
Are there any known issues/special problems using ExecWait command or the ExecCmd plug-in on a 64 bit OS?
Both are acting kind of strange on my 64 bit Windows...
Thanks :)
Archive: Exec commands on 64 bit system
Exec commands on 64 bit system
Are there any known issues/special problems using ExecWait command or the ExecCmd plug-in on a 64 bit OS?
Both are acting kind of strange on my 64 bit Windows...
Thanks :)
do tell? Please explain the symptoms with CODE!, screenshots, eventlogs, procMon traces, bat file equivalents etc...
I've to admit: The post is from last year (;)) and I've forgott what the problem was all about, because I've went on in trying and came up with new things and so on ... ^^'
I think it somehow was about using 'diskpart' and something else that I've forgott. I found the cause of the diskpart-problem - WindowsXP x64 File System Redirection - and went on.
Thanks anyway :)