Archive: What is it with those Splash plugins?

What is it with those Splash plugins?
can't say i'm fully happen with any of them. i've been using AdvSplash for many years, but at some point (new NSIS or new OS), it will not display small bitmaps properly. in my example the used bitmap has only a height of 32 pixels, but the plugin will display it with a height of 38 pixels, the difference will be black (see attachment).

(i don't know when the plugin started to behave like this, but on a sidenote i also wanted to mention another issue with bitmaps i came across. earlier versions of nsis had no problem using rle-compressed bitmaps, new versions will display some gibberish instead.)

so, i've tried NewAdvSplash. that will display small bitmaps without a problem. however, when i use it with a splash-sound and the /BANNER option, it will always crash my installer once the splash stops showing. without the banner it works, but shows an ugly window caption for the fraction of a second. without sound it's also working perfectly. here's the code i'm using

newadvsplash::play /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\spltmp.wav"
newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD ##SPLASHTIME## 0 100 0xff00ff /BANNER "$PLUGINSDIR\spltmp.bmp"
newadvsplash::wait ;with or without this line - crashes!

unfortunately, NewAdvSplash isn't complete documented, so it could be the fault lies in this code. the third line is completely undocumented, but it was mentioned in one of the examples. leaving that line, will still result in a crash. any help?

I use advsplash too, does this code cause a crash on any of your PCs?

!include WinVer.nsh
!include x64.nsh

XPStyle on

;funky little splash fade in effect!
Function .onInit
# the plugins dir is automatically deleted when the installer exits
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\splash.bmp "c:\myprog\logo.bmp"

#File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\splash.wav "C:\myprog\sound.wav"

advsplash::show 4000 600 400 -1 $PLUGINSDIR\splash

Pop $0 ; $0 has '1' if the user closed the splash screen early,
; '0' if everything closed normal, and '-1' if some error occured.
Delete $PLUGINSDIR\splash.bmp

Or you may like to check other options like this:

I don't see 'wait' entry point in newadvsplash.dll. Very strange that you could compile this. Followinng works for me:

Name "NewAdvSplash.dll test"
OutFile "newadvsplash.exe"
!define IMG_NAME1 aist.gif
!include WinMessages.nsh

Function .onInit

; the plugins dir is automatically deleted when the installer exits

newadvsplash::play /NOUNLOAD "$EXEDIR\jc.mp3"
File ${IMG_NAME1}
newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD 3000 1000 500 -2 /BANNER "$PLUGINSDIR\${IMG_NAME1}"
Sleep 3000 ; not changes 4.5 sec of 'show time'. add your code instead of sleep


; MUI requires custom function definition
Function .onGUIInit

newadvsplash::stop /wait ; waits or exits immediately if finished, remove /wait to terminate now
SetOutPath "$EXEDIR"

; plug-in requires this to be called in .onGUIInit
; if you use 'show' in the .onInit function with /BANNER key.



well, it's no longer crashing now, but only because i accidently left out the stop call. whenever i add it to my onGUIinit function, the installer crashes. also, i still get to see that window caption for a very short time (might be longer on slow cpus). according to process explorer, that caption it that of a program called consent.exe.

unlike my previous claim, this has nothing to do with the /BANNER option, but only happens when i use the plugin with a splash sound.

so, is it wise to leave the stop function? or what can i do to get it work without crashing?

Flashing window is a sound player, even if started 'hidden' it appears for a short time.
I not found any problems with crashing in correct script (see above). Please publish sample script which causes crash. newadvsplash manual

try this

Yes, s. happens with wav (not mp3!) if sound is longer, them show time. This case MCI window instead of correct termination just crashes... OK, for wav sound attached dll should be fine, and no flashing MCI windows any more (but no mp3 as well). Please let me know if any problem occure.

Originally posted by Takhir
Yes, s. happens with wav (not mp3!) if sound is longer, them show time.
are only certain bitrates supported? i tried a mono mp3 at 64 kbit and it behaves just like it did with a wave. anyway, with no mp3-support i can stick to the old AdvSplash and use compressed waves. thanks for your help!

when you click the splash screen (to abort it), it will still wait for the remaining time set in the splash plugin