Archive: install file for one user only

install file for one user only
I need write a script that creates a new account called maintainer and installs a particular file for the maintainer account only. It is preferred if the administrator does not have access to it and all other users cannot have access to it. At the moment I am installing it for everyone and then using cacls to remove access. I was wondering if anyone had a neater way of doing this as all the shortcuts are still visible in the administrator and users accounts.

show us the script your currently using? It seems you're looking for a command like this: SetShellVarContext

well originally I was trying
SetOutPath C:\Documents and Settings\maintainer\Desktop and then creating the shortcut. However this only works if the maintainer account has been logged in. When creating the maintainer account and creating the shortcut then logging in Windows makes a profile (i think) called maintainer.COMPUTER_NAME instead of just maintainer. So to get around this I am now creating the shortcut for all users and using cacls to remove permissions.
I thought that with SetShellVarContext you could only specify the current user or all users not a specific account.