Archive: DetailsPrint output

DetailsPrint output

I am sure there is an obvious answer to this but I just can't figure it out :confused:

How do you view the DetailsPrint output when using the MUI interface?

Thanks in advance!

same place as always, on the instfiles page (unless you force the show details button to be hidden)

Thank Anders, in hindsight I probably asked the wrong question. Let me try again;

I have an installer running but I am having problems with the JRE detection on 64bit machines. I am using this script.

JRE Dynamic Installer

The script has DetailPrint statements that will tell me why the detection isn't working but I cannot figure out where to view them. Is there a way to view them during the wizard pages? Is there a better way to debug scripts? The tutorial talks about a Log Window but my installer doesn't have a log window (at least that I know of).

Any help in how best to debug scripts would be grately appreciated.

I ended up using MessageBox to debug this. Probably not the right way but got the job done.

Also the problem with this plugin is that it's not 64 bit aware. I added the following to my .onInit to resolve it;

${If} ${RunningX64}
SetRegView 64
SetRegView 32

${If} ${RunningX64}
SetRegView 64
SetRegView 32
You should only do this if you want to create registry entries for a 64 bit application. Never use 64 bit registry for a 32 bit application. (NSIS and NSIS installers are 32 bit applications.)

Thanks for that info. I am building a dual installer that will install a 32bit and 64bit version of the app. I was wondering how I can change the installer to a 64bit exe but I guess you have just answered that for me.

thanks again!