Archive: Highlight label's description text

Highlight label's description text
Hi all,

I created a custom component page, and some labels on that page also. I am wondering if it's a way to highlight label's description text when user click on the label? Like change to text Bold.


You can change the label to bold:


Function nsDialogsPage

nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0

${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 35 100% 12u "Test label"
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnLabelClick
nsDialogs::OnClick $LABEL $0



Function OnLabelClick
; Set label to bold
CreateFont $R2 "MS Shell Dlg" 10 700
SendMessage $LABEL ${WM_SETFONT} $R2 0
; Force label redraw
ShowWindow $LABEL ${SW_HIDE}
ShowWindow $LABEL ${SW_SHOW}
Please note that you might experience some flikkering.
And the label gets obviously bigger when it's bold, so keep that in mind when positioning the other controls.

Thanks jpderuiter! Label's text is bold when I click on it.

How would I un-bold previously selected label when I click on another one? I tried to redraw it but it remains bold.

Do the same, but then create a font with a weight of 400
(See CreateFont in the NSIS manual)