Archive: No Button text on installer/uninstaller when run on Win 7 64bit

No Button text on installer/uninstaller when run on Win 7 64bit
Been testing my installer on different operating systems & have found that when my installer is run on Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit version the button text doesn't get displayed, the buttons get displayed ok but there is no text on the buttons.

Anyone know a work around for this.

I am using NSIS version 2.46 with the Modern UI

Which buttons are you referring to, exactly? Is this only in your installer, or also in, let's say, Examples\example1.nsi? Have you tried other pc's with the same OS?

Sorry I have miss quoted the user interface that I am using, I am using the Ultra Modern User Interface with NSIS 2.46.

I have been through & tested the other examples for the UMUI & they are also not displying the text on the buttons, see attached image.
I have tested this on 1 PC running win 7 64bit & VM workstation running win 7 64bit with the same result.

I have tested my installer with the MUI interface & it works fine.

there were issues with older versions of Ultra Modern UI where the buttons weren't skinned correctly on 64-bit OSes but that was fixed ~8months ago so you're best making sure that you're running the latest version of Ultra Modern UI from here.


Thanks DrO that's fixed it.

thanks for the confirmation that it works ok
