Archive: CreateShortcut - icon file - Microsoft Server 2008

CreateShortcut - icon file - Microsoft Server 2008
Install the program on Microsoft Server 2008. I create a shortcut on the desktop and offering a path to the file with the icon.
CreateShortcut "$DESKTOP\TEST ${VERSION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\TEST.exe" """$INSTDIR\test.ico" 0
On the desktop icon is created. I click the right mouse button and select Properties. On the Shortcut tab, change the icon and choose an error pops up can not find the file icon.

My simple code:

RequestExecutionLevel none
!define VERSION 1.1.10

# Installer sections
Section -Main SEC0000
SetOverwrite on
File "D:\TEST.exe"
File "D:\test.ico"
CreateShortcut "$DESKTOP\TEST ${VERSION}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\TEST.exe" """$INSTDIR\test.ico" 0

There are three quotes side by side in that line.

That's why the Poles broke Enigma code ;)