Archive: Win7 Finish page won't show readme

Win7 Finish page won't show readme
I've got an installer running under RequestExecutionLevel of admin that is working fine under XP and Win7 (apart from some UAC issues) except that the finish page does not display the readme files under Windows 7.

There are two of them: one accessed by a checkbox and one accessed from a link. Both show under XP fine.

This is the relevant code. Is there anything obvious that I'm missing? This is my first NSIS script and I have found it a bit tricky, but this part looks like it should be quite simple.

!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "Show README for Third Party Notices"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH



full paths?

Originally posted by Anders
full paths?
This will cause Win7 to barf?

Worth a try...

Yes, worked fine.

Thanks very much!