Archive: ProgressBar with Varying Bitmap

ProgressBar with Varying Bitmap
Hello Friends,

i played with UI and reading some forums i finally achieved my work. this UI have an one progress bar, print details and varying bitmap for advertising about their companies.

See the attachment for details


i want to change bitmap in every page is possible to do that. in the left side of the UI i planned to allot the space to give the details about the page.

I am a newbie with NSIS..
I use just MUI2.nsh and I'd like that during Setup with progress bar, it was a bitmap. (I have already seen it in star office install)
Is it very complicated? Someone has already done this simply?

If someone searches for the same thing as me: it's very simple

!include "Image.nsh"
ShowInstDetails hide
Section "Main"
!insertmacro DisplayImage 'Image.bmp'