Archive: InstallTTFFont succeeded but Display an error messagebox!

InstallTTFFont succeeded but Display an error messagebox!
i use the following codes to install a font,it seemed to have worked,for i found the font in the control pannel and register.

Section -Fonts
StrCpy $FONT_DIR "$WINDIR\Fonts"
SetOutPath "$FONT_DIR"
File "src\MSYH.TTF"
;!insertmacro InstallTTF "src\MSYH.TTF"
!insertmacro InstallTTFFont "src\MSYH.TTF"

but there was an error during the installing:
it gave an information box:

"用于NSISçš„å_—体名称 %s 插件" (in Chinese)

and there was also a line of text displaying on the progress bar:

"cann't load c:\document..\FontName.dll"
but i can find the dll in the right directory!

Anybody has encountered this problem?

Nobody has encounterde this problem?

I find in the FontName.nsh the following code:
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 2052 0 End-2052 ; Chinese (Simplified) by Kii Ali <>
Push "错误的å_—体版本"
Push "æ˜_射文件地址错误: %u"
Push "æ˜_射文件错误: %u"
Push "æ—_效的文件大小: %u"
Push "æ—_效的文件柄程: %u"
Push "用于 NSIS çš„å_—体名称 %s 插件"
goto ${Index}
What errors does the last Push mean?

My OS is Windows Embedded Standard.
Help me out , please!