Archive: Help with Nsis7z::ExtractWithCallback plugin

Help with Nsis7z::ExtractWithCallback plugin
Hi, I need to retrieve the install progress when running silent install, so I try to use Nsis7z::ExtractWithCallback to output the status. This method works fine when the archived file is not large, but when the 7zip archive exceed certain limit, the callback function return me negative integer value :(

My code:

Function Callback
Pop $R8
Pop $R9
System::Int64Op $R8 * 100
Pop $R7
System::Int64Op $R7 / $R9
Pop $R6
FileSeek $R5 0 END
FileWrite $R5 "INSTALL_PERCENTAGE:$R6 $\n"

FileOpen $R5 "$INSTDIR\log" a
GetFunctionAddress $R9 Callback
Nsis7z::ExtractWithCallback "test.7z" $R9
FileClose $R5

I also tried to create the 7z archive with volume, but NSIS doesn't seems to work with volume archives..?
Have any other way to get this done? Please advise.

Mmhhh... if you try to access a file that is already opened/written to, you should get a blank file as far as i know.
Maybe this messes it up?

And i never tried 7z volumes because i'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. And i use the plugin in almost any installer i make with NSiS. But i really wish i could integrate another progress bar just for the plugin.

Originally posted by CG!
Mmhhh... if you try to access a file that is already opened/written to, you should get a blank file as far as i know.
Maybe this messes it up?

And i never tried 7z volumes because i'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. And i use the plugin in almost any installer i make with NSiS. But i really wish i could integrate another progress bar just for the plugin.
I got try to display the value with DetailPrint instead of write to file, return value is negative as well :(

May have to do with your intOp.
My CallBack looks like this:

Function CallbackTest
Pop $R8
Pop $R9
SetDetailsPrint textonly
DetailPrint "aktueller Fortschritt: $R8 bytes / $R9 bytes..."
DetailPrint "Current Progress: $R8 bytes / $R9 bytes..."
SetDetailsPrint both

Ya, it's the original function. Just slightly edited.
But why should i change a winning concept? ^^

Originally posted by CG!
May have to do with your intOp.
My CallBack looks like this:

Function CallbackTest
Pop $R8
Pop $R9
SetDetailsPrint textonly
DetailPrint "aktueller Fortschritt: $R8 bytes / $R9 bytes..."
DetailPrint "Current Progress: $R8 bytes / $R9 bytes..."
SetDetailsPrint both

Ya, it's the original function. Just slightly edited.
But why should i change a winning concept? ^^
I try on this example, return me negative value as well. This only happen when archive size is big, and mine is more than 700Mb :(
I download nsis7z plugin source and found that the size was cast to "int" from "UInt64"(under CallbackProgressHandler function), wonder is it because of the casting caused the incorrect value... :igor: