Archive: Pushing external values to the stack

Pushing external values to the stack

Is that possible to push values to the NSIS stack from an external application lunched by setup.

The external application is a C# application that performs some of the setup tasks and is lunched with ExecWait


With ExecWait, no. Just pass $pluginsdir to the app on the command line and have it save stuff there in a file, then read it back later. (Or rewrite the app as a dll that you can call from nsis)

What do you by:

(Or rewrite the app as a dll that you can call from nsis)

He means creating an NSIS plugin. Search the forums, or google.

OK thanks.

Currently we decided to do it via registry as the returned value should actually be written to registry.

So for the current need the external application - will generate the value and instead of returning it back to the setup (to be written to registry), it will directly write it to the registry.