Create a new Directory and Vista/Win7
Hey guys,
how i can create a new Folder? like C:\
new folder -> gfx in gfx -> xetu in xetu -> emoticons ...
C:\gfx\xetu\emoticons .....
and how i can execute the permission lvl for the Vista UAC and automatic start in admin mode???
I need anything to know about Win7?? because of a permission ?
;_________________________________________________________________I want that this get preuninstalled if a specified file exist ... how i can solve this? the if not work but i not know why ....
Section "Xetu-Hosting Icon Pack" IconPack
${If} ${FileExists} "XetuStyle-$"
Delete "$INSTDIR\gfx\Xetu\*"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\gfx\Xetu"
nsisunz::UnzipToLog "$INSTDIR\" "$INSTDIR"