Archive: Install window percentage

Install window percentage
Hey guys, I want the nsis installation page with progressbar showing the actual percentage of being completed. And also disable the Extract message for per file extraction. Is it possible without making a custom dialog.?? I mean Only showing the 1 to 100% while installtion going on.

User Interface Instructions Section @ NSiS Docs
This should solve your problem with the per-file output in the install window and explain how to write the percentage above the progress bar.

i was reading what you wrote, MSG.
Hope i made it better this time.

SetDetailsPrint should be used in Section or Function. Right.. Is there any way to globally use it for all sections..??..

And I could not find Percentage showing above the progress bar in that link..

SetDetailsPrint should be used in Section or Function. Right.. Is there any way to globally use it for all sections..??..
The setting is remembered. You only need to set it once.

it seems there's no variable you can simply read to get the install percentage.
But there's a plugin that writes the percentage into the window caption. Maybe you can redirect it output.

Thanks CG!..

that plugin is good but is there any other plugin that do the same in the page below the progress bar instead of title bar.

I've not tried it but this plugin is listed in the wiki:

There is a fn DetailPrint which can be used to show percentage string above the progress bar but merging this with real progress of all file extracting is quite tough cause DetailPrint is a fn which can only output particular text after particular event say :: per file extraction..

So it means if i want to show "Installing : 1 - 100%" for 50 files extraction then i hv to put DetailPrint after every file extract line. Is there any other way ??

You could pack your files inside a LZMA 7ZiP archive and use the 7Z plugin.

You could then calculate the percentage by using the given variables. Easiest way ... at least for me because i use this plugin in almost all my installers together with the Math plugin.

But there are 2 things about the 7z plugin you should consider:
- no split archives,
- no archives >1.2GB (may/will result in an negative amount of data for the whole size [only happend once to me])
- only LZMA, no LZMA2.

Im not gonna put so much effort to make a small installation. using plugins again n again. I think i should stick to Titlebar progress..