Archive: Windows7 - Desktop and QuickLaunch shortcut

Windows7 - Desktop and QuickLaunch shortcut
Dear all,

I am currently experiencing problem with my installation package created with NSIS Compiler V2.3. The problem has been identified only by a user with Windows 7. If the desktop and QuickLaunch shortcuts are well created, he has also noticed that the shortcut to the application is also created in:

and :
c:\users\Administrator.WIN-XXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\

where XXX is the real name of his Windows account.

To create the short cut, I have used the following code:

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\my_app.lnk" "$INSTDIR\my_app.exe"
CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\my_app.lnk" "$INSTDIR\my_app.exe"

Is it a bug with my code or something normal with Windows 7?

Thank you very much for your kind support
Best regards,

Those paths looks correct to me, what is the actual problem? (Also, 2.3 is kind of old, you might want to upgrade so you can use RequestExecutionLevel)

afaik there is no more quicklaunch in win7

Windows 7 still supports QuickLaunch - all you have to do is enable it. The first hit in a Google search gave me step-by-step instructions for enabling it.

support yes, but with taskbar pinning nobody has a reason to go back to quicklaunch. there already is a discussion that suggests not to pin programs here.

Originally posted by Yathosho
with taskbar pinning nobody has a reason to go back to quicklaunch.
Sorry, I disagree. I find QuickLaunch very useful in Windows 7.

Originally posted by Anders
Those paths looks correct to me, what is the actual problem? (Also, 2.3 is kind of old, you might want to upgrade so you can use RequestExecutionLevel)
In fact, the correct path should be \XXX\ (i.e. without the administrator.WIN). However, the person informed me that these shorcuts were created from a previous installer. The last one do not create these shortcuts. Everything is fine thus. Thank you very much and sorry.

I am going to check the forum about the use of RequestExecutionLevel. Thanks again :)


I'm guessing the Administrator.WIN prefix could have been added by windows itself during a reinstall or account name change, either way, NSIS just uses what windows tells it to use as the shell path

I would bet on the account kept from an updated from a previous version of Windows :)

Originally posted by Anders
Those paths looks correct to me, what is the actual problem? (Also, 2.3 is kind of old, you might want to upgrade so you can use RequestExecutionLevel)
Probably a stupid question: I would like to know if RequestExecutionLevel defines the requested execution level of the install package (and thus the choice depends on the NSIS script) or of the .exe file of the installed application?

Thank you very much

Originally posted by Cyrille
Probably a stupid question: I would like to know if RequestExecutionLevel defines the requested execution level of the install package (and thus the choice depends on the NSIS script) or of the .exe file of the installed application?

Installer and Uninstaller

Ok, so I suppose the admin rights are only necessary when the installer writes in the registry. Is it correct?

Its necessary if you want to do admin things (DOH) like writing to HKLM or $programfiles/$windir etc

Ok, thank you very much Anders. It is very clear now :)