Launch Parameters into variables
Is it possible to set parameters at the start of the installer so that they appear in variable form?
nsis_install.exe /var=5
the above sets ${VAR} to 5
or something similar.
Archive: Launch Parameters into variables
Launch Parameters into variables
Is it possible to set parameters at the start of the installer so that they appear in variable form?
nsis_install.exe /var=5
the above sets ${VAR} to 5
or something similar.
${VAR} isn't a variable, it's a define.
What you probably want to do is get the parameter in .onInit (google is your friend), then StrCpy $VAR ParamValue .
You can use the Files functions header (Appendix E.1 of the manual)
I personally use something like this:
>!insertmacro GetParameters
>!insertmacro GetOptions
>${GetParameters} $R0
>${GetOptions} $R0 "-p" $R1
IfErrors NoCmdLineOptionSet
; ... do whatever you need with the value in $R1
>MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK 'No Option set'
>Abort $R2
${GetParameters} will get you the command line options passed to the installer executable and ${GetOptions} can get you the contents of a option passed and/or if it was present or not.