Archive: Installlib & Windows 7 x64

Installlib & Windows 7 x64
Hello Guys

I have a problem with a Win32 application on Win64 System

Following code works find on Win32 applications

        !insertmacro  InstallLib REGDLL 0 REBOOT_PROTECTED "..\common\binaries\system32\cwui.ocx"     $SYSDIR\cwui.ocx  $SYSDIR
${If} ${Errors}
DetailPrint "Instlib failed"
SetOverwrite Ifnewer
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL 0 REBOOT_PROTECTED "..\common\binaries\system32\FM20.dll" $SYSDIR\FM20.dll $SYSDIR
${If} ${Errors}
DetailPrint "Instlib failed"

on Win7x64 i get the following errortext
Extract: C:\Windows\system32\cwui.ocx... 100%
Registering: C:\Windows\system32\cwui.ocx
Instlib failed

but if i start an elevated commandshell
change to the folder <win>\SysWow64 an call manually regsvr32 the registration works
but only from an elevated shell.

The testinstallation is also startet with elevated rights
RequestExecutionLevel admin

What I'm missing?


I found the solution by myself!
Problem is "Requestexecutionlevel admin"
this is NOT the same as the level "none"

When writing executionlevel "none" Win7 runs in some special compability mode which helps registering the old dll's