9th March 2010 16:52 UTC
Shockwave Flash control in UI
Goal: I need an animated Flash banner on my installer.
By my research so far, it seems that the SWF control is a COM object, which has to be instantiated using CoCreateInstance instead of CreateControl (though I am in no way sure of that yet).
Any ideas how that should finally be achieved? I'm quite fine with making a DLL-calling plugin of some sort, or even recompiling some UI exe, if pointed towards some proper source files, if that's what it takes.
9th March 2010 22:30 UTC
Solved, after much enlightening but unnecessary tinkering.
System::Call `atl::AtlAxWinInit() i.r0`
${If} $0 == 0
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to initialize ActiveX at all."
GoTo badflash
System::Call `kernel32::GetModuleHandle(i 0) i.R3`
System::Call 'user32::CreateWindowEx(i 0, t "AtlAxWin", t "", i ${WS_CHILD}|${WS_VISIBLE}, i 0, i 0, i 250, i 250, i $HWNDPARENT, i 0, i R3, i 0) i.R1'
${If} $R1 == 0
System::Call 'kernel32::GetLastError() i.R1'
MessageBox MB_OK "Flashbox init error: $R1"
Just a proof of concept, but there it is.
10th March 2010 18:50 UTC
The above has a potential performance drawback - it essentially creates an ActiveX window, with a shell document window in it, with Internet Explorer in it, and finally with Shockwave Flash inside. So, here's another way of doing this, with less resulting window clutter:
System::Call `atl::AtlAxWinInit() i.r0`
System::Call `kernel32::GetModuleHandle(i 0) i.R3`
System::Call 'user32::CreateWindowEx(i 0, t "AtlAxWin", t "{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}", i ${WS_CHILD}|${WS_VISIBLE}, i 0, i 0, i 250, i 250, i $HWNDPARENT, i 0, i R3, i 0) i.R1'
System::Call `atl::AtlAxGetControl(i R1, *i .r1) i .r0`
StrCpy $3 "c:\\folder\\movie.swf"
System::Call "$1->22(w r3) i .r2" ; 22 = set_Movie
Still the resulting window doesn't properly respond to WM_PAINT messages, like neither does the former example. Any solution to that, perhaps, before I solve it myself? ;P