Archive: Add flash to installer?

Add flash to installer?
Hello there,

Just wondering if anyone has work on this: add flash to installer.

I am looking at WD software, and from what I know, they have a flash wrapper on top of their installer (probably InstallShield). This does make the installer much better.

If you have any idea/pointer, please let me know.

I attached screenshots as preference.


That would be a huge amount of work and quite frankly it won't be done unless you choose to do it or pay someone else to!


Not to mention system req, flash player, flash itself, enough memory

Thanks Afrow and Joel for your responses. Since I am still new to NSIS, any suggestion on how I should go about this?

- Create flash
- Pass parameters/values to NSIS


You would probably have to write a plugin, or use a DLL that can talk to your flash file and you can then talk to with the System plugin... none of which are trivial.

If you're already writing the Flash file, you might look into Flash resources on how to copy files and such (though last I knew it prevented a lot of those things out of security concerns).

Push comes to shove, NSIS might simply not be the installer framework for you. NSIS is very powerful - and I've built some very powerful, small, and moreover *fast* installers with it.

But if my bosses at some point want a graphically polished installer, an installer that is Windows Vista/7 certified so they can put that graphic on marketing and whatnot, etc. Then I know that I'm going to have to let go of NSIS and go with something like InstallAware.

This is an unfortunate given on two fronts... the latter (certification etc.) because Microsoft will only do this for those installers that build on the Windows Installer platform.
The former (graphics and other polish) because the NSIS developers are very busy and have more pressing matters to attend to; keep in mind that even though NSIS is under the nullsoft flag and under the AOL parent, AOL likely has very little interest in NSIS; their main point of interest is Winamp. So it's not like they have people working on NSIS full-time at a decent salary, striving to make NSIS the best installer framework out there.

On the up side, NSIS is open source, so if you -are- a programmer, or have the money to pay for one, you could extend NSIS to do anything you want - including interfacing with Flash files. On the down side, most of us are neither, and thus may have to look into alternatives (InstallAware is fairly pricey, WiX is free but probably doesn't do Flash interaction either).

NSIS is still the most flexible solution out there, but you might have to decide whether that is more important to you than other concerns.