Archive: Insalling .Net Framework in Silent mode

Insalling .Net Framework in Silent mode

I have written an installer which installs .Net Framework while installing other components if still it haven't been installed. I need to do it in Silent mode. so I have followed,
ExecWait '"$PATH\dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:\install /l /q\"'.

Even though the installer shows that .Net framework setup is extracting, it doesn't really install .Net Framewrk. Can someone tell me why it's acting like this. When I install .Net Framework in the normal mode it asks to click next buttons, check license agreements, etc. But here in silent mode is there a way to provide hose parameters through the installer written by me?

ExecWait `"$PATH\dotnetfx.exe" /q:a /c:\install /l /q`
You don't put quotes around the whole string, just the executable path.


Excuse me
Hi watzr
Im sorry to interrupt you. But im new to both .net and nsis. I have developed a application and wanted to use nsis it s installer.Can you show me how to do this using nsis?I have collected lots of info but i havent been able to do this myself.
My program prerequisets are framework 3.5,Windows Installer 3.1 and Cards.dll

for windows installer 3.1 I use this :


For a small package of net framework 3.5 for 32 (31.43 MB) you can use this

I forgot:the package from link above is silent by default

Hi hurlee,

If you are asking about executing pre-requisites following is the script I used to do it.

Here I'm checking whether the .net Framework setup is available in the given path and if it's existing, setup will be installed. Otherwise whole installation will quit.

Section "-PreRequisites" ; Hidden section

SectionIn RO ; Read only component

IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\Prerequisites\dotnetfx.exe" InstallDotNet NoDotNetFound

MessageBox MB_OK "Setup not found."

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Prerequisites"
ExecWait '"$EXEDIR\Prerequisites\dotnetfx.exe" /q:a /c:\install /l /q'


If you have more than one pre-requesites, I think it's better to define separate sections for them. Here I have define PreRequisites section as a hidden and read only one. You can decide that depending on your requirements.

I visited following links to find out parameters necessary for installation in silent mode.

Thanks watzr
Sorry im not quite get it.
My application PreRequisites are .netframework 3.5 also it says Windows installer 3.1 and cards.dll do you think this is Prerequisite?(cards.dll?)
Because my apllication is very small so i just want to include them in it using NSIS. I thought most user dont like downloading from internet.I collected many other methods but still i m not able to do this. It was easy for me to deploy VB 6 application using NSIS .

Hi hurlee,

Pre-requisites should be decided by you depending on your application. If you feel that the given files should be there to work with your application then you can consider them as Pre-requisites. You can run executables using "ExecWait" command, but for DLLs you can copy then to specific directory using "File" command.

If you wants to install your application with pre-requisites(pardon me if I didnt get your question) first Write sections to install Pre-requisites and then Write a section to install VB.NET application.

Section "-PreRequisites1" ; Hidden section

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Prerequisites"
ExecWait '"$EXEDIR\Prerequisites\setup1.exe" /q:a /c:\install /l /q'


Section "-PreRequisites2" ; Hidden section

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Prerequisites"
File "<path>\cards.dll"


In section PreRequisites1 setup11 will be installed in silent mode to a directory called "Prerequisites" in the installation directory.

You can specify "ExeWait" command as follows if you want to install in in normal mode.

ExecWait "$EXEDIR\Prerequisites\setup1.exe"

Above example will execute pre-requisites located in a given directory instead of downloading them. So you have to save those pre-requisites in that directory to accomplish the installation.

Otherwise you can embed pre-requisites to application installer too. But that's not a good idea if your pre-requisites occupy more space.

Thanks WATZR
But can you show me example just using the prerequirements(.netframework 3.5 and windows installer 3.1) Do you think this win installer 3.1 is nessessary?
My App. will be muushig.exe and it will use the cards.dll
I really cant make it if i dont see real example.