Archive: Can anyone edit dialogsex.dll ?

Can anyone edit dialogsex.dll ?

The problem is the textbox is too short and user can not put a long text. (for example text of 60 chars)

The source of dialogsex.dll includes in the above link and just it need to small edit


an't say I'm set up to compile plugins myself - but just as a quick pointer to anybody who can...

The problem isn't that the user can't enter a longer text per se (the plugin takes a max character parameter that can be set very high), it just limited by the edit control's size itself.
The reason for this is that it is missing the ES_AUTOHSCROLL style >_<

That said... there are alternative plugins as well Afrow_UK's PassDialog, for example, or you can just use nsDialogs rather than a pop-up dialog, etc.

Thanks but only dialog or dialogsex.dll working in .oninit func.

anyway I made a dialog page used nsdialogs.dll

ah, you didn't mention .onInit ;)

If you need that, you can try the (unofficial) window version, nsWindows:

yeah I forgot to mention :) and thanks again I'll try it

dialogsex.dll ?


(sorry, someone HAD to say it ;) )