Archive: 64-Bit Registry Read + Manifest (Dummy Needs Help!)

64-Bit Registry Read + Manifest (Dummy Needs Help!)
After reading dozens of posts in this forum and looking through the NSIS documentation, I have a problem I can't seem to solve. Very simply, I have an application that was written for 32-bit installation and now desire to install under 64-bit O/S (Win 7) as well. The code below works fine under 32-bit XP, but does not work under 64-bit Win7:

StrCpy $Acad "SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R18.0\ACAD-8001:409"
ReadRegStr $5 HKLM $Acad "ProductName"
MessageBox MB_OK "Acad = $Acad 5 = $5"
StrCpy $Acad "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
ReadRegStr $5 HKLM $Acad "ProductName"

Actually, I am able to read the Windows current version under either and that makes it all the more mysterious to me. I would think that simply inserting 'SetRegView 64' before this code would make it work fine in 64-bit, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.

Also, I'm not finding lots of help on the manifest. Is it really just that I need to use NotePad to create a file named 'MyInstaller.exe.manifest' according to the format noted in and place in the same folder as my NSIS installer exe?

Like I said, kind of feeling like a dummy right now. Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Put RequestExecutionLevel in your script, that will create the manifest

I tried putting 'RequestExecutionLevel admin' in the Application section and got an error. On the plus side, I've gotten past the registry problems using SetRegView 64. I had tried putting this in .oninit and still had problems, but they may have been related to some other things happening on the machine. Now, I'm using it right before I read the registry in each function and things are working OK. The WinVer.nsh and x64.nsh includes also worked magic in my app.

well, you still should put RequestExecutionLevel in your script, just put it as the first line in your script