Archive: Web Page Framed In Install Screen?

Web Page Framed In Install Screen?
Can you have a web page framed in the install screen, that doesn't just show the page, but lets you be able to click on links, fill out and submit forms, etc?

keep in mind that if your installer launches with administrator privileges, so will the browser module - potentially exposing users to issues with malware that might otherwise be mitigated by non-administrator level access.

I've tried this plugin, and the web pages are SHOWING fine in the installer screens, but they're not working at all. Links aren't working and won't open. Forms aren't submitting, etc.

Any suggestions?


Does anyone else have troubles with this plugin working? Know of any workarounds, etc? Thanks!

Try Tinyweb.dll

* tWebCreate(x,y,width,height) - creates the the control on gmwindow
* tWebGoTo(url) - navigate to the specified url
* tWebGoBack() - go back in history
* tWebGoForward() - go forward in history
* tWebGoHome() - go to home page
* tWebGoSearch() - go to search page
* tWebRefresh() - refresh the current page
* tWebMove() - move the window
* tWebSize() - resize the window
* tWebShow() - show or hide the window
* tWebRelease() - release the interface

Use system plugin to call functions. Good luck :)