Archive: SingleSelect in EmbeddedLists doesn't work

SingleSelect in EmbeddedLists doesn't work

The option 'SingleSelect' in the EmbeddedLists ListView doesn't seem to work.
I set the option to '1' but still I can select multiple items.
(The same thing happens in the 'ListView_MultiColumnCheckBoxes' demo)

Using the latest version (30 March 2010) (Standard version, NOT unicode)

Would it be possible to make the text for 'Select all / Unselect all' changable?
We have an installer in a different language and we need to change those texts as well.


SingleSelect=1 works fine here. You may be confused as to what it's purpose is, though?

Within the Windows UI language, a listbox item being selected means the user has selected the item itself (making it turn blue, etc.). This is unrelated to the checkbox. So when SingleSelect=1, it means that the user can't select multiple items using e.g. the Shift or Ctrl key. But they can still check/uncheck items freely.

I'm not seeing anything in the EmbeddedLists documentation to allow only a single item to be checked. You can certainly do this yourself in the Page's Leave function - but there's no callback for when a user checks / unchecks an item to handle this more gracefully.

That said.. if that's the behavior you want, you probably shouldn't be using a checkbox at all :) Just set CheckBoxes=0 and the stack in the Leave function will contain the selected item ( i.e. the blue one ;) ).

Thanx Animaether,

I was expecting the same behaviour as from the .NET components we use.
We are forced to use checkboxes. (The customer insists on it)

The 'blue' selected color is not visible, because we are using it on a 16 color display. (There it just remains white)

It seems that I have to write my own plug-in that gives me the functions that I want.

a custom .NET component might have a radiobutton behavior option for a checkboxes listview - but I don't think the standard one does.

Also odd that you would not see the blue color on a 16-color display. It's the same navy blue that Microsoft have used since at least Windows 3.1.

But regardless.. if the client insists on checkboxes, and you need a radiobutton behavior on them, then yes.. you'll probably have to write your own (or check with Stu on whether he could implement it)