Archive: Beginner question: {} ()

Beginner question: {} ()
please apologize for my beginner question.
But I cannot find a detailed description in the manual.
I started reading from chapter 1 to 4.

In examples and in posts you can see code with curly brace:


MessageBox MB_YESNO "Do you want to start GRASS ${DEV65_VERSION_NUMBER}?" IDNO NoGrassStart
Exec '"$INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.bat" "-wxpython"'

${ElseIf}, ${If}
Name "My Program ${VERSION}"

then there is code with parentheses like;


Is somebody so friendly and can explain me a little bit what is the different?

When you write ${VERSION},
is VERSION an constant of NSIS

when you write $(MUIReadMe)
you have to declare MUIReadMe first?

Where can I find informations to understand this better?
thanks a lot for your help

best regards

Pardon me if I'm wrong.
To my knowledge with few scripts that I have written

Constants are define as
!define <constantname> <value> and they can be access as ${<constantname>}.

Variables which changes often can be declared as

Var <variablename> and they can be accessed as $<variablename>

Please search in NSIS help for Var in Index for more information. You also have many NSIS defined variables too , which are set automatically