Archive: Details not viewed in MUI?

Details not viewed in MUI?
I use this Finishing code:
; Finish page
;!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "Starting 8"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

Function LaunchJob
ExecShell "open" "http://localhost"

Section /o "Option" SecCore
SetDetailsView show


But I cannot see any Detail Button or log window
can somebody help me?

thanks a lot

/o means the section is not selected by default which means its code is not executed. Use ShowInstDetails outside of a section for a simpler solution.

Thanks for your help,
I have this in my script.
include "MUI.nsh"
ShowInstDetails show

;finish page

But the detail button is not shown.


Works fine for me. What button are you talking about exactly?

Hi kichik,
thanks for your help.
I mean the "Show Details" button at the end of the installation
If you click on it, a Dos command like window shows what was extracted and more.
I saw this in the example script.
My test is now with a MUI script and I have a finishing page at the end which opens a readme.txt file.
So I am not sure, if in the modern interface is the "Show details" button is available?


If you set ShowInstDetails to 'show', the details will always be shown automatically. Therefore it's logical that you don't see the button in that case. It may be that your installation is finished so quickly, you don't see the details properly before you jump to the finish page. You can tell MUI to not automatically jump to the finish page, see the MUI readme.

thanks for your help.

<<If you set ShowInstDetails to 'show', the details will always be shown automatically.Therefore it's logical that you don't see the button in that case.>

hmm, I am a little bit confused :-)
Where are the Details shown if there is no button to open the details window?

I believe we're talking about different things. Can you make a screenshot of the details window you're talking about?

sorry in the moment I cannot upload an sceenshot to an url.

Add it as an attachment.


Details button
Here is the screenshot of the "Show details" button

I know this was not made with MUI, but this is what I mean.
Is this also possible with MUI?

What you have in that screenshot is the default behaviour! Do not use ShowInstDetails or SetDetailsView.


sorry Stu, I am new to NSIS.
I have read the documentation but it is not clear to me.

"Sets whether or not the details of the install are shown"

but if the screenshot is the default behaviour, what is then the meaning of "Details" here?
showing the extracted files and command while installing?


It means the entire list view control. Clicking the Show Details button has the same effect as using SetDetailsView show (it is a run time instruction). ShowInstDetails show (a compile time instruction) ensures the list view control starts visible so the user does not have to click Show Details.


thank you! this info helped me too.

the code that do the trick was:

ShowInstDetails show
!define SetDetailsView show

i use modern skin and needed only the 1. row to make it always show the detail list.

what puzzels me is that the 1 need a !define and the other does not.


Defining a constant called SetDetailsView does nothing. Not sure where you got that idea from. SetDetailsView is a run-time instruction that is used in a Section to override what was set with ShowInstDetails. This is obvious if you read the manual.


i got the idea from your post above.
Yes, it does nothing, indeed! I tried it in my script and the compiler doesnt complain about this Option, so i guessed it is just a leftover from an earlier NSIS version. I mentioned it only to give a complete abstract of the threat

i have read the manual.. partially ... and im far from knowing it by rote, like you do. but im just a beginner...
