Archive: Splash screen at the beginning of installation

Splash screen at the beginning of installation
Hello all,

I need to display a splash screen at the beginning of installation (attached). This screen includes some text which will be localized. Also, it's also requested to include the installer language selection in this screen. Is this possible?

At first, my plan was:
1. Create a custom page to include all text and image
2. Include a DropList in this page for language selection, then assign language code to $LANGUAGE depends on user's selection

Some problem with this idea:
1. Page is not big enough to fit everything
2. Page already have Next and Cancel button... I would need to disable these two buttons then create a new button "Get Started"

I think my option now is to look into: newadvsplash plugin
- display the splash screen
- then display the language selection
Seem like this plugin only display image, so I will have problem with localized text.

Appreciate any comment/suggestion... I thought I would able to do it, but now, seem like it's not that easy, and it's due in a few days :-(

language selection can only be done in .onInit

You might have to use something like nsWindows (unofficial windowed version of nsDialogs).. pop up a custom language selection dialog during .onInit.

... if you can - I haven't tested this at all :)