Archive: Goto Does Not Get To Label

Goto Does Not Get To Label
What could possibly be happening here? I have this code and it does not work

;line 593
!if ${IS_DEBUG} == 1
MessageBox MB_OK \
"Going to SomeLineFurtherDown after SomeLabel"
Goto SomeLineFurtherDown

; Lots of stuff deleted in between

;line 673

My jumps work everywhere else in the code except here (as does my
debug code). I'm using Venis IX editor 2.2.5.

From what little code is given.. no idea. I presume you have another messagebox or so after "SomeLineFurtherDown:" to check whether it reached that, and one after "Goto SomeLineFurtherDown:" to see if that command is being skipped, etc. etc.

I would recommend using LogicLib.
