Archive: RegisterPluginCallback - Delphi

RegisterPluginCallback - Delphi

I'm looking for an example or a reference on how to use the RegisterPluginCallback with delphi. I had a look at several plugins developed in delphi but couldn't find anyone using the new plugin api and the RegisterPluginCallback.
I would guess the callback works like passing the RegisterPluginCallback a pointer to a function so nsis can call it back, but the RegisterPluginCallback expects 2 integers (unknow and uknown2) and I can't really figure out what exactly to pass there.
So it would be great if you guys could perhaps give me a short example or point me to a reference explaining what nsis expects when using this function.


int (NSISCALL *RegisterPluginCallback)(HMODULE, NSISPLUGINCALLBACK); // returns 0 on success, 1 if already registered and < 0 on errors

so, it takes the HMODULE aka HINSTANCE of your dll and a function pointer. NSISPLUGINCALLBACK is currently: typedef UINT_PTR (*NSISPLUGINCALLBACK)(enum NSPIM);

so, a __cdecl function that (currently) has a single int parameter and returns a uintptr_t (return 0/NULL)

Thanks for your reply.

RegisterPluginCallback now succeeds, but the installer crashes right after calling the InitPlugin function of my plugin. Could you please have a look at the code below, maybe you see what I'm doing wrong.

Plugin Code:

function NSISCallback(const NSPIM: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
ShowMessage('NSISCallback ' + IntToStr(NSPIM));
Result := 0;

procedure InitPlugin(const hwndParent: HWND; const string_size: integer;
const variables: PChar; const stacktop: pointer;
const extraparameters: pointer = nil); cdecl;
iResult: Integer;
Init(hwndParent, string_size, variables, stacktop, extraparameters);
iResult := TRegisterPluginCallback(extrap.RegisterPluginCallback)(HINSTANCE,
ShowMessage('RegisterPluginCallback ' + IntToStr(iResult));

the above ShowMessage shows that RegisterPluginCallback results in 0.

NSIS Code:
MessageBox MB_OK "1"

the above MessageBox never pops up, instead the installer crashes.


edit: formatting.

What is HINSTANCE there? Does not look like a variable to me. You get the correct HINSTANCE in DllMain.

Another possible problem is Integer(@NSISCallback), maybe it should not be a @ (pointer?) Delphi supports asm IIRC, so try something like:

__asm push DWORD PTR 0;
__asm call Integer(@NSISCallback);

And what is TRegisterPluginCallback? Some kind of cast? I have not used Delphi in years so I don't remember anything other than the basics.

I finally found the solution. It's the declaration of RegisterPluginCallback in the NSIS Delphi header (nsis.pas) which is as follows:

TRegisterPluginCallback = function (const unknow: Integer; const uknown2: Integer): Integer; cdecl;

After your reply I had another look at the problem and declared my own RegisterPluginCallback (didn't want to modify nsis.pas). Since I don't usually use cdecl I accidently declared it as stdcall and that's actually it. I tried running my plugin and it works when using stdcall instead of cdecl:

TRegisterPluginCallback = function (const unknow: Integer; const uknown2: Integer): Integer; stdcall;

So like that nothing crashes, my plugin stays loaded and the callback function is called when closing the installer.

Thanks, I updated nsis.pas so it will be fixed in the next release.

If you look at (should be used as reference for other languages) you see that it is indeed stdcall

Just tried your changes in nsis.pas and it's working fine.

And for anyone looking for a delphi example on how to use the new plugin api (like I was originally) I've attached a quick example.