Archive: How can I change page text in .onSelChange?

How can I change page text in .onSelChange?
I am using the MUI_COMPONENTS_PAGE and I have added some custom text that I would like to update when components are selected and deselected. How can this be accompished. I need to be able to do this in the .onSelChange callback function. So far my attempts to show the changes do nothing.

I have defined MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_TEXT_TOP to be a string with some user variables embedded. These variables are set in my comp_pre function and the expected values show up just fine. It looks like I have to force a re-display or re-show of the page in my .onSelChange function. How can this be accomplished?

Chris Lustig

You'll need to change the text yourself:

FindWindow $R0 `#32770` `` $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $R0 $R0 1006