Archive: problems to register a Dll(x64) on w7 x64

problems to register a Dll(x64) on w7 x64
  hi, I'm having troubles when i try register a dll (x64) in Windows 7 x64

Section "VSFiler x86" SEC01
SetOutPath "$WINDIR"
SetOverwrite on
File "VSFilter.dll"
REGDLL "VSFilter.dll"

Section /o "VSFilter x64" SEC02
SetOverwrite on
SetOutPath "$WINDIR"
File "VSFilter_x64.dll"
REGDLL "VSFilter_x64.dll"

Section Uninstall
Delete "$WINDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}_Unnistaller.exe"
UnRegDll "$WINDIR\VSFilter_x64.dll"
UnRegDll "$WINDIR\VSFilter.dll"

Delete "$WINDIR\VSFilter_x64.dll"
Delete "$WINDIR\VSFilter.dll"

SetAutoClose false

ok with the x86 dll everything works just fine, but the x64 dll doesn't get registered.

I don't know what the error might be.

does somebody knows how I can fix this thing?

Use Library.nsh:

undef LIBRARY_X64 


thanks u very much, i'd used that before but I didn't know the "!define LIBRARY_X64" parte