Archive: unable to cancel installation in between installation process

unable to cancel installation in between installation process

during installation,when i click cancel it shows pop up that "Do you want to exit the setup?"
but installation is going on in background,when i click on yes then the installer quits,but,i want to pause the installation when the popup "Do you want to exit the setup?" is showed.for that i have written following code.

!Define XPUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT "Do you want to exit the setup?" IDYes quit

strcmp $XPUI_ABORTED 1 0 +2

Please tell me what to do to pause installation when the popup is active.

this is not working properly,installation is not paused when the abort confirmation popup is opened,installation is still continue in background uptil when i have click on yes button.

Please tell me how to pause the installation.

Originally posted by dhiraj3301
Please tell me how to pause the installation.
It's explained on that page - did you actually try?

OutFile "test.exe"

>!include "xpui.nsh"
>!include "LogicLib.nsh"

>ShowInstDetails show
AutoCloseWIndow false

>Var UserIsMakingAbortDecision

>Function PauseIfUserIsMakingAbortDecision
${DoWhile} $UserIsMakingAbortDecision == "yes"
DetailPrint "Waiting for user to make decision..."
Sleep 500
>!define PauseIfUserIsMakingAbortDecision `Call PauseIfUserIsMakingAbortDecision`

Page} InstFiles
GetDlgItem$0 $HWNDPARENT 2
EnableWindow$0 1
DetailPrint "A"
Sleep 1000
DetailPrint "B"
Sleep 1000
DetailPrint "C"

>Function .onUserAbort
StrCpy $UserIsMakingAbortDecision "yes"
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Are you sure you want to cancel Setup?" IDNO NoAbort
StrCpy $UserIsMakingAbortDecision "no"
!insertmacro XPUI_USERABORT
StrCpy $UserIsMakingAbortDecision "no"

>!insertmacro XPUI_LANGUAGE "English"
This is only the pausing part. You'll want further code changes to handle things elegantly.. hence that page.

this code works fine but i have used

!Define XPUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT "Do you want to exit the setup?"

so,i cannot use function .OnUserAbort,please tell me is there any way to pause installation when we are using !Define XPUI_ABORTWARNING .

Originally posted by dhiraj3301
tell me is there any way to pause installation when we are using !Define XPUI_ABORTWARNING .

you'll have to create your own abort warning, just as in the above example and the examples on the wiki page.

it is possible that you could adjust the ExperienceUI header file to add the pause variable (ExperienceUI\Contrib\XPUI.nsh, just search for .onUserAbort); you'll still have to check for that pause variable in your sections, yourself, though.

If it is anything like MUI it should have an MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_ABORT or similar define.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
If it is anything like MUI it should have an MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_ABORT or similar define.
Doesn't seem to be. The only custom functions are for GUI init, GUI end and Pre/Show/Leave for pages. Defining XPUI_ABORTWARNING causes ExperienceUI to run its own .onUserAbort , which itself contains no code for handling additional user-based abort commands.

So setting up one's own .onUserAbort, and not using XPUI_ABORTWARNING, appears to be the road to take there.