Archive: Hide only ExecWait jobs ?

Hide only ExecWait jobs ?
Is it possible to hide ExecWait jobs. If I start a command line program with ExecWait a command line window pops up. I did not find something to hide that. Maybe I am searching in the wrong page. For now I use a little VBS script to do that.

ExecWait 'wscript "$PLUGINSDIR\Invisible.vbs" "$INSTDIR\...exe" ...'

The code inside is:

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

Do you have something better? What?

Thank you very much. I used now nsExec::ExecToStack. That works fine.
And I learned some new: PlugIns Documentation is not inside NSIS User Manual. ;)