Archive: Problem with CopyFiles

Problem with CopyFiles
i have a problem with CopyFiles, i want copy (copy and then delete from "c:\test") some files from a folder to TEMP, but if error raised return back with copy from TEMP to "c:\test".
If a file is locked (i.e. "pdf") delete command from "c:\test" raised an error (but other files are deleted well), and when re-copy from TEMP to "c:\test" copy doesn't function (file locked) and no files are copied.

These are my steps:

    CreateDirectory "$TEMP\Backup\"

CopyFiles "
C:Test*.*" "$TEMPBackup"

Delete "C:Test*.*"
IfErrors 0 NoError
MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION "Error during copy, retry?" IDRETRY Retry:
SetOverwrite off ;i have tried with ifnewer-on-try, also
;Rollback - re-copy original file from $TEMP
CopyFiles "$TEMPBackup*.*" "C:Test"
IfErrors 0 NoError
MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "Error during copy, stop"

MessageBox MB_OK "Copy Ok"

Many thank for your help.

That is not a good way to do it. Have you tried moving the entire folder (Rename)?


I have tried with "Rename" and "MoveFileFolder" functions, but error flag is raised because a file is locked.

My simple scenario is:

- copy all files from A folder to B folder with (or without) overwrite existing file

but if a file is locket in B folder error is raised and no files are copied, nor file not locked.
Many thanks

Rather than do a CopyFiles using wildcards perhaps you should use Locate and copy each file individually.


Yes, the problem is that i have 31 files and every time these are different..:confused:

That is why you can use Locate. Do a recursive search through your source folder picking up any files.


Ok, good idea :) i'm searching function for do recoursive search.
Many thanks, i will tell you :cool:

Locate is in the user manual.


Finally i have finished my code using Locate function:


StrCpy $R0"C:\ftp" ;Directory copy from
StrCpy $R1"C:\ftp2" ;Directory copy into
StrLen $R2 $R0

FileOpen $R3$0 w
${Locate} "$R0" "/L=FDE" "Example6"
FileClose $R3

IfErrors 0+2
MessageBox MB_OK 'error'

Exec '"notepad.exe" "$0"' ;view log

>Function Example6
StrCpy$1 $R8 '' $R2

StrCmp $R6'' 0 +3
CreateDirectory '$R1$1\$R7'
goto end
CreateDirectory '$R1$1'
CopyFiles /SILENT $R9 '$R1$1'

IfFileExists '$R1$1\$R7' 0 +3
FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1\$R7 -success$\r$\n"
goto +2
FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1\$R7 -failed$\r$\n"

Push $0
So, i can copy files and see log :)

Many thanks for your precious help :up:

Bye bye

You can rename "Example6" to whatever you want (i.e. "LocateCallback") just to make the function mean something.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
You can rename "Example6" to whatever you want (i.e. "LocateCallback") just to make the function mean something.

Yes, of course ;)