Archive: Problem with executing CeCreateFile

Problem with executing CeCreateFile
I am using the system.dll plugin to execute RAPI commands for a remote installation.

I am able to create directories, but I am not able to open or create files.

System::Call "rapi::CeCreateDirectory(w 'application\ctgtalk', i 0) i .r4"

System::Call "rapi::CeFileCreate(w 'application\ctgtalk\somefile.txt', i 3, i 0, i 0, i 1, i 128, i 0) p .r4"

The create directory function works file returns 1 indicating success and directory is created.

The CeFileCreate function is supposed to return a file handle if it succeeds and an invalid handle if it fails. It is returning 0 with is not a valid file handle and the file is not created.

dwDesiredAccess is set to 3 which is GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE.
dwCreationDisposition is set to 1 which is CREATE_NEW.
dwFlagsAndAttributes is set to 128 which is FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL.

Does anyone have a clue as to why this is not working?

Chris Lustig

The parameter set to 1 sets to CREATE_NEW and the parameter set to 128 sets to FILE_ATTRIBUTES_NORMAL.

p is not a valid type in 2.46, use i for now

Originally posted by Anders
p is not a valid type in 2.46, use i for now
Doesn't work when I use i either. I am still clueless.


Would help if you used CeCreateFile instead of CeFileCreate ;)

Edit: And System should have put "error" on the stack.


That's Embarrasing
Oops I am a little dislexic. Thanks. At least I am now getting error codes back and can move forward.



From bogus errors to real errors CeCreateFile

Originally posted by Afrow UK
Would help if you used CeCreateFile instead of CeFileCreate ;)

Edit: And System should have put "error" on the stack.

That is in fact what was happening.

Now that the function call name is correct I am getting an invalid parameter error.

this is the System::Call

System::Call "rapi::CeCreateFile(w 'application\\ctgtalk\\somefile.txt', i 3, i 0, i 0, i 1, i 128, i 0) i .r4"

which should be equivalent to

CeCreateFile( L "\\application\\ctgTalk\\somefile.txt",GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ,0,0,CREATE_NEW,FILE_ATTRIBUTES_NORMAL,0)

Note: When calling fuctions through the System::Call forward slashes in front of the path don't work. I was able to get the CeCreateDirectory function to work when I removed the forward slashes.

If anyone has a clue for this one, it would be greatly appriciated.


You should use !defines for all the constants. For masks System allows | (bitwise or). That should help a bit. As for double backstrokes that is purely because in C/C++ (and others) a single backstroke is an escape character (i.e. "\"hello\""). You don't need to use two here.
