Archive: NSDialogs custom page wait before showing

NSDialogs custom page wait before showing
Good time of day.
I have a custom page created by NsDialogs:

Page custom DeterminePage 
Function DeterminePage

nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $Determine_Dialog
some code for creating dialog controls


But before user will be able to use this page controls I have to call my function
Call DetermineFunc

This function works about 3 seconds and I need to show somehow to user that installation is working, that everything is ok. If I place call of my function before nsDialogs::Show then of course dialog controls to inform user are not available. If I place it after nsDialogs::Show then my function is called after leaving custom page.
Splash window failes to show (Windows terminates installation) if I call it with my function.
SetCursor is not working when there's no dialog to show (before calling nsDialogs::Show).
The only this I managed to do is to place warning to header of the page:
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "${DetermineHeaderPage}" "${DetermineSubHeaderPage}"

But nobody reads such messages.
Can anyone help me with this problem?

Can you not just do the processing with a Banner?


What do you mean?

I tried newadvsplash plugin. Such splash doesn't suit me for execution of my function starts after splash is shawn:

newadvsplash::show 1000 100 500 0x04025C /NOCANCEL "$PLUGINSDIR\${IMG_NAME1}"

And this splash failes to run with my function:
newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD 2000 1000 500 -2 /BANNER "$PLUGINSDIR\${IMG_NAME2}"

The Banner plug-in.


Great, it's what I needed. I'm a newbie in NSIS so my questions are corresponding... Thanks a lot.

Great, it's what I needed. I'm a newbie in NSIS so my questions are corresponding... Thanks a lot.