Archive: RTF license agreement not displaying line breaks correctly

RTF license agreement not displaying line breaks correctly
I have added a license agreement to my installer.

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "includes\eula.rtf"

This RTF document contains several line breaks which display correctly in Wordpad, Word and also in the installer I previously created with InstallShield.

However, the installer I created with NSIS ignores them and displays as one single line with extra spaces replacing the line breaks.

Could someone please help me get this to display correctly.

I'm using the latest NSIS (2.46)

This topic has been discussed many times before. Please search the forums before asking.

Thanks for that helpful reply.

I had searched both Google and the NSIS forum before asking the question, the only thing I could find that came close to answering the questions was someone searching for a way to display images within their license agreement and being told they'd need to create a custom page.

I'm hoping this is not the case for line breaks, so if you could show me a topic where someone has answered the how to show line breaks from an RTF file within the license section that would be helpful, as I am unable to find such a topic myself when searching.

Can't say neither forum nor google search give me anything useful either.

Can't say I've ever had linebreak problems, though. Could it be that your RTF uses a particular type of linebreak? I.e. what if you start up wordpad, simply enter:
line one
line two
line three
save the file as an rtf, and use that file in your installer.. does that display correctly?

Animaether, thanks for that.

It turns out that it was just something wrong with the RTF I have, probably to do with the way it was made (I think someone just re-saved a .doc as .rtf).

I'll recreate the file in WordPad which should solve it.


Yep... always use Wordpad only for making RTF compatible with Windows RichEdit controls

Originally posted by mattm591
I had searched both Google and the NSIS forum before asking the question[...]
I stand corrected, I didn't read your question properly.

Originally posted by Wizou
Yep... always use Wordpad only for making RTF compatible with Windows RichEdit controls
Will do so in future, and also, many thanks for the nsisXML plugin you've made.
I have found that invaluable for a number of installers!

Originally posted by MSG
I stand corrected, I didn't read your question properly.
No worries.

We take the EULAs we get from Legal (which are RTF files) and open and save them in WordPad. Not only does it fix any formatting issues, it also makes the files 1/4 of the original size.