Archive: Loading Image while Copy

Loading Image while Copy

i have an installer which copies some files.
the copy-process could take an hour or something like that.
i copy there one big folder which means that while it copies this folder the loading-bar is still at the same position.

the user thinks that the programm is crahsed.

to avoid this i want to show a loading-image or a text in the copy dialog which disappears when the copy-process is over.

i knew there is a way to display a banner. but i dont know how i can show it on the copy dialog.

thanks for your help.

best regards,

Does the standard Windows copy dialog not appear? If you want to have a good progress indication without it you'd need to use /silent and also count how many files are going to be copied before you do it. Then for each file, increment the counter by one. Have a look for non official banner plug-ins which have progress bars.


thanks, i realised it with the windows copy dialog by deleting the /silent option.
thats enough for my case.

best regards,