Archive: New to NSIS, Installing a plugin

New to NSIS, Installing a plugin

I'm completely new to NSIS, and I only do some basic coding in my spare time and for school, so NSIS is just a testing ground for me.

I'm quite keen to simplify the process for installing a web-based application (open source forum software), and as a result I think that the Inetc plugin should do the trick.

In the Inetc package you get 3 folders - \Contrib, \Plugins, and \Unicode. I've left the Unicode one there, and copied the Contrib and Plugins directories to the NSIS install root folder (therefore keeping the directory structure from the original download). What files should be copied into \Include from the download? Following the guide on the wiki, it says to put nsh files in \Includes - the plugin doesn't appear to have nsh files, only nsi ones.

Many thanks for your help - and I'm sure once I've sorted this out, I'll be back with twenty more questions!

Cheers again


the plugin probably doesn't have a .nsh file. .nsh files are header files which contain code - usually macros/functions - that users can include in their own script and then easily make use of.

Most plugins don't really use headers as the plugin already provides abstracted commands and such.

So you should be fine with just the inetc.dll file in the Plugins folder, really.

Inetc is just inetc.dll, ignore the rest of the files they are just examples or source code.

Alternatively, you can put the plug-in in the same folder as your script, but add this to the top of your script:

!addplugindir .

Same for *.nsh:

!addincludedir .

(The period is part of the command)

Note it's !addpluginsdir.


OK quick question - erm, is there any sort of wizard to get a newbie like me started? Or is it a case of looking at the manual and guides and creating a new file in Explorer, then compiling that to see if it works?

I'm used to VB and Visual Studio, where you can debug etc as you go along - I'm happy to create a script in Notepad, but I'd rather do it in the native app if it's at all possible.

Also, I copied inetc.dll to \Includes but it doesn't appear to be in the NSIS Menu list? I have a feeling that that list is static and doesn't update?


You can try EclipseNSIS but there is no debugging in NSIS. You just have to use DetailPrint and MessageBox when necessary. As Animaether has already said, the dll file goes in Plugins. NSIS Menu is static. Why would you want inetc on there anyway? The readme is online and in the Zip file.

Edit: The Examples folder will help you.


I use..

Also grab..

It has a small wizard included, but keep in mind that it will only set up the most basic things for you.