Conditionally Set SetDetailsPrint
In .onInit I have this:
StrCpy $verbosity "none"
${GetParameters} $R0
${if} $R0 == "verbose"
StrCpy $verbosity "both"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION $verbosity
This grabs the parameters which I only have one which is blank or "verbose"
It sets the $verbosity variable correctly, I confirm this by the message box.
Then throughout my installer I want to SetDetailsPrint to both if verbose was specified on the command line or none if not.
In my section I have this:
${if} $verbosity == "verbose"
SetDetailsPrint both
SetDetailsPrint none
But it does not set it to both. Only to what I explicitly set at the beginning of the section.
Basically I want to be able to see the full details when a problem with the installer happens so I can troubleshoot, but under normal conditions I don't want the full paths and commands I'm executing to show up.
Seems like this should be possible, can someone help?