Archive: Conditionally Set SetDetailsPrint

Conditionally Set SetDetailsPrint
In .onInit I have this:

StrCpy $verbosity "none"
${GetParameters} $R0
${if} $R0 == "verbose"
StrCpy $verbosity "both"
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION $verbosity

This grabs the parameters which I only have one which is blank or "verbose"

It sets the $verbosity variable correctly, I confirm this by the message box.

Then throughout my installer I want to SetDetailsPrint to both if verbose was specified on the command line or none if not.

In my section I have this:

${if} $verbosity == "verbose"
SetDetailsPrint both
SetDetailsPrint none

But it does not set it to both. Only to what I explicitly set at the beginning of the section.

Basically I want to be able to see the full details when a problem with the installer happens so I can troubleshoot, but under normal conditions I don't want the full paths and commands I'm executing to show up.

Seems like this should be possible, can someone help?

Can't tell you the problem from that. It looks fine. Unless something else is using SetDetailsPrint (i.e. a function or macro).


Originally posted by trippy1976
StrCpy $verbosity "both"
${if} $verbosity == "verbose"
shouldn't it be
${if} $verbosity == "both"



I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Thanks Wizou, I just could *not* see that.

Of course... this fixed everything. lol. Thanks.